Curtain Call- 11/27/2017

Encore! Encore!!

While there were many excellent posts in the recents weeks, there were a few that definitely nailed it and deserve a standing ovation.  So I’d like to recognize a few that particularly stood out to me and bring them out for a curtain call:

-Do you know what your FI number or date is?  If you do, good for you! If you don’t, then we’re in the same boat along with Adventure Rich.  They confess that they don’t have a FI number or date and list the various reasons why.  They correctly point out that life is often unpredictable, especially when you’re young with children, so choosing an FI number and date at this stage of life is extremely difficult.

-Every year around this time our family selects charities to donate to.  Last year we started asking our kids for their opinions on where they think some of our charitable giving should go.  Basically we picked ten major organizations, told them about each one and let them choose their favorite.  Mama Fish Saves has shared a better (and possibly even more rewarding) way for kids to participate in giving: Top Charities To Get Kids Involved in Giving. 

-With some simple internet searching, do-it-yourself home projects are probably easier than ever.  They can even save you significant money (but probably not time in my experience) if you do some simple home repairs yourself.  Money Management Pro has created a list of Home Repairs That Can Save You Money, not only by doing the repair yourself, but by preventing damage or becoming more energy/water efficient.  With that said, I’d still leave the dangerous stuff for the professionals.

-Planning for retirement goes far beyond figuring how much money you’ll need.  You should also think about what you’ll be doing as a new retiree…and with who.  Most likely you’ll spend a significant portion of your new free time with your immediate family, Jenny at Good Life. Better. adds that you shouldn’t forget your friends with her article, In Planning for Retirement, Don’t Forget to Invest in Friendships Too.  I agree. 

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